Club Accounts

A Special Savings for Planned Expenses

Whether you want to prepare for the holidays, taxes, a vacation or a special purchase, a Club Account is the easy way to put away the money you need. You can use Payroll Deduction or auto transfer to deposit funds throughout the year to help you save.

Holiday Club

How can you avoid the annual anxiety of not having enough money for the holiday season? The secret is to open a Holiday Club Account and make regular deposits throughout the year. Your balance builds up, and on October 1st it’s transferred directly to your savings or checking – right when you need it.

Vacation Club

Vacation Club Accounts can help cover travel costs. Start making deposits now, and we’ll deposit your balance on May 1st, or transfer right when you’re ready to pack your bags!

Tax Club

Avoid the stress of tax season and set aside money from so it’s there if you need it when taxes are due in April.


Club Account Rates

Account TypeDividend RateAPY*Min. Opening Deposit**
Club Accounts0.050%0.050%$0

Effective 3/1/2023
*Annual Percentage Yield
**Minimum Opening balance / Minimum required balance to earn APY
Rates subject to change after account opening at any time without notice.